Woman, Life, Freedom is a daily practice
These series are made using more than 50 Iranian women's handwriting, which I asked them to write "Woman, Life, Freedom" in Persian (زن زندگی آزادی). This is the main slogan of the women-led revolution in Iran, which people are chanting in the streets; both the women fighting in the streets and the women forced to leave the country. These handwritings are put together by weaving and overlapping different narratives. I believe that each individual's handwriting is interconnected with those around them. Inspired by my own experiences of moving and feeling a sense of dislocation, I seek to convey the complex emotions that arise from being displacement.
As a daily practice, "Woman Life Freedom" gives meaning to our lives not along, but across and intertwined.
Screen print on paper, thread | 98.4"x59" | 2023
Screen print on paper, thread | 11" x 8" | 2023
Screen print on paper, thread | 98.4"x59" | 2023
Screen print on paper, ribbon | 10"x2.3" | 2023
Screen printon paper, pears | 10"x2.3" | 2023
Screen print on Fabric | 41 "x 21" | 2023